Senin, 02 Mei 2011

Salah satu pekerjaan yang membutuhkan keahlian silat lidah nih

Guru-nya abis nerangin sampe mulutnya berbusa-busa *lebay*,

Guru : C’mon Sasa, do this exercise.
Murid A : I’m sorry Ma’am, I didnt listen to your explanation.
Guru : Oh it’s ok Darling, I’m getting use to the fact that you never listen to me. It’s been 3 years now. *guru tsb sudah mengajar kelas yang sama selama 3 tahun*

Ga lama kemudian…

Murid B : Ma’am…*pasang tampang serius* Kenapa ya, sejak dulu loh, kalo waktunya pelajaran Ma’am, mesti saya pas lagi ada masalah!!
Guru : You hate me that much??
Murid B : No Ma’am, I swear to you, I love you!! Tapi bener deh Ma’am, ada aja masalahku saben Tuesday morning, di jam pelajarannya ma’am! Kayak tadi ini, aku berantem ama mama-ku di mobil. Kenapa ya? Is it a coincidence or you just bring a negative aura to me??

Narik napas panjang...

Guru : Well, maybe it’s because you’re a trouble maker. You are the magnet to troubles. They are all come automatically to you!
Murid B : *cemberut* NGGAK MA’AM! Nanti biasanya, after you leave this class, my mood will be better! I’m happy again.
Guru : Darling, when I leave this class, I’ll be happier than you!
Murid B : hehehehe….

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